Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Moscow... the world... me...

... This are strange days. I am a little confused, I don't feel like writing before things sink in:


in the country I love the most

my first real vacations after maybe 5 years

with someone I hardly know, just the two of us (don't they say that new couples usually break up at their first vacations together?)

since yesterday in the city I love the most

in a relationship

practicing Russian, trying to understand what they say to me (fuck, they speak so fast...) and to speak as correct as I can

In hotel rooms and lobbies so outside of my world and my reality...

(anyway, hello to everybody in Athens...)

mpe mpeeeeee is foul of surprises, it advertises NOTHING, ....NOTHING...

1 comment:

boyblue said...

how do u say
in russian?